Sources and features of the Constitutions, Rule of Law.
Position and power of the Crown.
Parliament, Composition and functions.
A comparative study UK Cabinet with US Cabinet.

Which one of the followings is called the ' mother of constitution ' ?

 a ) American Constitution

 b ) French Constitution

 c ) British Constitution

 d ) Russian Constitution

 Ans : c ) British Constitution

 Which one of the following is called the ' unwritten Constitution ' ?

 a ) American Constitution

 b ) French Constitution

 c ) British Constitution

 d ) Russian Constitution

 Ans : c ) British Constitution

 The British Constitution is a product of :

 a ) Evolution

 b ) History

 c ) War

 d ) Peace

 Ans : b ) History

 The British Constitution is a result of :

 a ) War

 b ) Contract

 c ) History

 d ) Evolution

 Ans : d ) Evolution

 " British Constitution is . blend of formal law , precedent and tradition . " Who said ?

 a ) L.A.S. Amery

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) Ivor Jennings

 Ans : a ) L.A.S. Amery

 Who wrote the book ' Thoughts on the Constitution ' ?

 a ) L.A.S. Amery

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) Ivor Jennings

 Ans : a ) L.A.S. Amery

 " Conventions maxims unwritten are the Constitution . " Who said ?

 a ) L.A.S. Amery

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) J.S. Mill

 Ans : d ) J.S. Mill

 Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

 a ) Magna Carta - 1215

 b ) Petition of Rights - 1628

 c ) Bill of Rights - 1689

 d ) All of these

 Ans : d ) All of these

 Who wrote the book ' Introduction to Law of the Constitution ' ?

 a ) L.A.S. Amery

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) A.V. Dicey

 Ans : d ) A.V. Dicey

 Who wrote the book ' English Constitution ' ?

 a ) L.A.S. Amery

 b ) Bagehot

 c ) Strachey

 d ) Freeman

 Ans : b ) Bagehot

 Who wrote the book ' Commentaries on the Laws of England ' ?

 a ) Blackstone

 b ) Bagehot

 c ) Strachey

 d ) Freeman

 Ans : a ) Blackstone

 Great Britain is a :

 a ) Federal state

 b ) Confederation

 c ) Unitary state

 d ) None of these

 Ans : c ) Unitary state

 " British Parliament can do everything except make a man woman and a woman a man . " Who said ?

 a ) Anson

 b ) Strachey

 c ) De Lolme

 d ) Ivor Jennings

 Ans : c ) De Lolme

 Great Britain has a :

 a ) Absolute monarchy

 b ) Constitutional monarchy

 c ) Hereditary monarchy

 d ) None of the above

 Ans : b ) Constitutional monarchy

 ' CABLE ' means :

 a ) Clifford , Arlington , Bryce , Ashley and Landerdale

 b ) Clifford , Arlington , Buckinghum , Ashley and Landerdale .

 c ) Clifford , Arlington , Buckinghum , Ashley and Levyball

 d ) Clifford , Aristotle , Buckinghum , Ashley and Landerdale

 Ans : b ) Clifford , Arlington , Buckinghum , Ashley and Landerdale .

 Who wrote the book ' Parliamentary Practice ' ?

 a ) Anson

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) Peter May

 Ans : d ) Peter May

 Who wrote the book ' Cabinet Government ' ?

 a ) Anson

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) Ivor Jennings

 Ans : d ) Ivor Jennings

 Who wrote the book ' Law and Customs of the Constitution ' ?

 a ) Anson

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) Prof Ogg

 Ans : a ) Anson

 Which one of the followings is a source of the British Constitution ?

 a ) Great Charter / Historic documents

 b ) Statute law

 c ) Common law

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 Which one of the followings is a source of the British Constitution ?

 a ) Judicial decisions

 b ) Laws and Customs of Parliament

 c ) Conventions

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 Which one of the followings is correctly matched ?

 a ) Bussell's Case : 1670

 b ) Howell's Case : 1678

 c ) Entick v . Carrington Case : 1765

 d ) All of these

 Ans : d ) All of these

 " British Constitution is the Mother of all constitutions of the world . " Who said ?

 a ) Prof . Munro

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) Prof Ogg

 Ans : a ) Prof . Munro

 " British Constitution is the creation of chance and wisdom . " Who said ?

 a ) Freeman

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) Prof Ogg

 Ans : a ) Freeman

 " British Constitution is the child of chance and wisdom . "

 a ) Strachey

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) Prof Ogg

 . Ans : a ) Strachey

 " The English Constitution is a living organism . It has been always growing with a view to meeting the necessities of the people . " Who said ?

 a ) Ivor Jennings

 b ) Strachey

 c ) Freeman

 d ) Prof Ogg .

 Ans : d ) Prof Ogg .

 In the evolution of the British Constitution , two factors have played a very important role . These are :

 a ) Accident and Design

 b ) Accident and Duty

 c ) Association and Design

 d ) None of these

 Ans : a ) Accident and Design

 Which one of the following is a feature of the British Constitution ?

 a ) Unwritten Constitution

 b ) Unitary Constitution

 c ) Very flexible Constitution

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 The Great Magna Charta was signed on the :

 a ) 12 June , 2015

 b ) 13 June , 2015

 c ) 14 June 2015

 d ) 15 June , 1215

 Ans : d ) 15 June , 1215

 CABLE is associated with :

 a ) King Charles II

 b ) King Charles III

 c ) King Charles IV

 d ) King Charles V

 Ans : a ) King Charles II

 The ' Glorious Revolution ' took place in :

 a ) 1686 b ) 1687

 c ) 1688

 d ) 1689

 Ans : c ) 1688

 In Britain , the informal formation of the Cabinet by the opposition party is called the :

 a ) Kitchen Cabinet

 b ) Cabinet

 c ) Inner Cabinet

 d ) Shadow Cabinet

 Ans : d ) Shadow Cabinet

 Who wrote the book ' Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution ' ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Gladstone

 c ) Blackstone

 d ) A.V. Dicey

 Ans : d ) A.V. Dicey

 Who gave the theory of the rule of law ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) A.V. Dicey

 c ) Gladstone

 d ) Blackstone

 Ans : b ) A.V. Dicey

 Which of the following is a feature of the theory of rule of law ?

 a ) Absence of arbitrary power

 b ) Equality before law

 c ) Primacy of the rights of the individual

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 Who called conventions ' customs of the constitution ' ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Gladstone

 c ) Blackstone

 d ) Anson Ans : d ) Anson

 Which one of the followings is a feature of convention ?

 a ) It is unwritten

 b ) It is informal

 c ) It gradually grows

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 In UK , Conventions are obeyed because :

 a ) Fear of punishment

 b ) Legal and moral sanctions

 c ) Public opinion and practical utility

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 " The British Parliament can do everything but make a man a woman and a woman a man . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Barker

 c ) Dicey

 d ) De Lolme

 Ans : d ) De Lolme

 The British King / Queen is a / an :

 a ) Nominal Head

 b ) Titular Head

 c ) De Jure Head

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 " Queen is not a puppet monarch / she is not an ornamental cipher . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Gladstone

 c ) Prof. Laski

 d ) Anson

 Ans : c ) Prof. Laski

 Who of the following is a permanent / non - partisan symbol of national unity in the UK ?

 a ) PM

 b ) Ministers

 c ) Monarch

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) Monarch

 " Crown is an artificial / juristic person . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Gladstone

 c ) Prof. Laski

 d ) Munro

 Ans : d ) Munro

 Which one of the followings is true ?

 a ) King is a person ; Crown is an institution

 b ) King is a part of the Crown

 c ) King is mortal ; Crown is immortal

 d ) All of these

 Ans : d ) All of these

 " The king is dead , long live the king " . What does it mean ?

 a ) The Crown is an institution and it never dies

 b ) King as a person is dead but it does not mean the death of kingship / crown

 c ) Monarchy as an institution never dies

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 Who of the following is the " fountain of honour " ?

 a ) PM

 b ) Ministers

 c ) King / Crown

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) King / Crown

 Who is supreme commander of the army / navy / air force in the UK ?

 a ) PM

 b ) Ministers

 c ) King / Crown

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) King / Crown

 Who appoints the judges of the UK ?

 a ) PM

 b ) Ministers

 c ) King / Crown

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) King / Crown

 Who is called " the defender of the faith " in the UK ?

 a ) PM

 b ) Ministers

 c ) King / Crown

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) King / Crown

 The Judges are appointed by :

 a ) Prime Minister

 b ) the King

 c ) the King on the advice of Lord Chancellor

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) the King on the advice of Lord Chancellor

 " The Prime Minister of England has wider powers than the powers of any constitutional head of the world . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Muir

 c ) Ramsay Muir

 d ) Manoj

 Ans : c ) Ramsay Muir

 Who was the first Prime Minister of the UK ?

 a ) Walpole

 b ) Tony Blair

 c ) George Bush

 d ) None of them

 Ans : a ) Walpole

 The office of the Prime Minister came into existence at the time of :

 a ) Walpole

 b ) Tony Blair

 c ) Hanoverians

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) Hanoverians

 Who appoints the Prime Minister of the Great Britain ?

 a ) Prime Minister

 b ) Speaker

 c ) Commons Shabha

 d ) The King of the Great Britain

 Ans : d ) The King of the Great Britain

 The office of the Prime Minister was in existence since : '

 a ) 1720

 b ) 1721

 c ) 1722

 d ) 1723

 Ans : b ) 1721

 The office of the Prime Minister was for the first time mentioned in :

 a ) 1876

 b ) 1877

 c ) 1878

 d ) 1879

 Ans : c ) 1878

 The office of the Prime Minister was for the first time mentioned in :

 a ) The Treaty of Berlin

 b ) The Treaty of Westphalia

 c ) Both of these

 d ) None of these

 Ans : a ) The Treaty of Berlin

 Who signed the treaty of Berlin ?

 a ) Walpole

 b ) Jennings

 c ) Lord Beaconsfield

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) Lord Beaconsfield

 " The PM is the sun around which other planets revolve . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Jennings

 c ) Walpole

 d ) Barker

 Ans : b ) Jennings

 Who of the following is first among equal / the first among the ministers of the crown ?

 a ) Speaker

 b ) King

 c ) Prime Minister

 d ) Lords

 Ans : c ) Prime Minister

 The tenure of the British PM is :

 a ) 4 years

 b ) 5 years

 c ) 6 years

 d ) 9 years

 Ans : b ) 5 years

 Which one of the followings is a function of the British PM ?

 a ) Formation of the cabinet

 b ) Distribution of portfolios among the ministers

 c ) Removal of ministers

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 Which one of the followings is a function of the British PM ?

 a ) Chairman of the cabinet

 b ) Chief coordinator and general manager of the state

 c ) Chief advisor to the king

 d ) All of these

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 Who describes the British PM as the ' manager - in - chief of the government's business ' ?

 a ) Carter

 b ) Hertz

 c ) Carter and Hertz

 d ) Laski

 Ans : c ) Carter and Hertz

 Which British PM decided to step down from the office due to Iraq policy in 2003 ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Carter

 c ) Mr. Blair

 d ) Bush

 Ans : c ) Mr. Blair

 The British PM is al an :

 a ) Real executive Head

 b ) De facto Head

 c ) Head of the Government

 d ) All of these .

 Ans : d ) All of these .

 Which Country is called the motherland of the Parliamentary form of government ?

 a ) USA

 b ) Great Britain

 c ) USSR

 d ) None of these

 Ans : b ) Great Britain

 British Parliament had its origin in :

 a ) 1922

 b ) 1923

 c ) 1925

 d ) 1926

 Ans : c ) 1925

 " The British Parliament is both a legislature and a constituent assembly . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Hertz

 c ) De Tocqueville

 d ) Muir

 Ans : c ) De Tocqueville

 Which one of the following is a permanent house / body ?

 a ) House of Commons

 b ) Senate

 c ) House of Lords

 d ) None of these

 Ans : c ) House of Lords

 Who is the presiding officer of the House of Lords ?

 a ) King

 b ) Prime Minister

 c ) Speaker

 d ) Lord Chancellor

 Ans : d ) Lord Chancellor

 For how many days the House of Lords meets in a week ?

 a ) Three days

 b ) Four days

 c ) Five days

 d ) Six days

 Ans : b ) Four days

 The House of Lords meets for four days in a week from :

 a ) Monday to Thursday

 b ) Monday

 c ) Friday

 d ) Sunday

 Ans : a ) Monday to Thursday

 The meetings of the House of Lords are held in the evenings and continue up to :

 a ) 5 P.M.

 b ) 6 P.M.

 c ) 7P.M.

 d ) 8 P.M.

 Ans : d ) 8 P.M.

 Which one of the following is the Highest Court of Appeals in Great Britain ?

 a ) Senate

 b ) House of Commons

 c ) House of Lords

 d ) None of these

 Ans : c ) House of Lords

 The House of Lords can delay the passage of a money bill by only :

 a ) 25 days

 b ) 26 days

 c ) 27 days

 d ) 30 days

 Ans : d ) 30 days

 For how many days the House of Commons meets in a week ?

 a ) Four days

 b ) Five days

 c ) Six days

 d ) Seven days

 Ans : b ) Five days

 The House of Lords meets for five days in a week from :

 a ) Monday to Friday

 b ) Monday

 c ) Friday

 d ) Sunday

 Ans : a ) Monday to Friday

 The meetings of the House of Commons begin at :

 a ) 2.20 PM

 b ) 2.30 PM

 c ) 2.40 PM

 d ) 2.50 PM

 Ans : b ) 2.30 PM

 The quorum for the meetings of the House of Commons has been fixed at :

 a ) 38

 b ) 39

 c ) 40

 d ) 41

 Ans : c ) 40

 At present , the House of Commons has tenure of :

 a ) 3 years

 b ) 4 years

 c ) 5 years

 d ) 6 years

 Ans : c ) 5 years

 The House of Commons consists of :

 a ) 658

 b ) 659

 c ) 660

 d ) 661

 Ans : b ) 659

 " The sovereignty of Parliament resides in the House of Commons . " Who said ?

 a ) R.G. Neumann

 b ) Laski

 c ) Hertz

 d ) None of them

 Ans : a ) R.G. Neumann

 Who presides over the meetings of the House of Lords ?

 a ) Lords

 b ) Prime Minister

 c ) King

 d ) Speaker

 Ans : d ) Speaker

 Who got the honour of becoming the 1st speaker of the House of Commons in 1377 ?

 a ) Thomas Hungerford

 b ) Laski

 c ) Walpole

 d ) Hertz

 Ans : a ) Thomas Hungerford

 " Once a speaker , always a speaker . " This statement is applicable to the speaker of :

 a ) US Congress

 b ) Prime Minister

 c ) British Parliament

 d ) King

 Ans : c ) British Parliament

 The tenure of the speaker of the House of Commons is :

 a ) 3 years

 b ) 4 years

 c ) 5 years

 d ) 6 years

 Ans : c ) 5 years

 All speeches in the House of Commons are addressed to :

 a ) Mr. Speaker

 b ) Prime Minister

 c ) King

 d ) None of them

 Ans : a ) Mr. Speaker

 The Parliament of Britain consists of :

 a ) One House only

 b ) Two Houses

 c ) Three Houses

 d ) Four Houses

 Ans : b ) Two Houses

 The Parliament of Britain consists of two Houses , these are :

 a ) House of Lords

 b ) House of Lords and House of Commons

 c ) House of Commons

 d ) House of Representatives and Senate

 Ans : b ) House of Lords and House of Commons

 The British Parliament is known as the

 a ) Father of Constitution

 b ) Mather of Government

 c ) Father of Government

 d ) Mother of Parliaments

 Ans : d ) Mother of Parliaments

 Which one of the following is considered to be the weakest 2nd chamber of the world ?

 a ) Lok Sabha

 b ) Senate

 c ) House of Commons

 d ) House of Lords

 Ans : d ) House of Lords

 " The House of Lords is the Fortress of Wealth . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Barker

 c ) Ramsay Muir

 d ) Hartz

 Ans : c ) Ramsay Muir

 The House of Commons consists of :

 a ) 634 members

 b ) 635 members

 c ) 633 members

 d ) 636 members

 Ans : b ) 635 members

 [ Note : 516 for England , 36 for Wales , 71 for Scotland and 12 for Ireland ]

 94. Which one of the following is the strongest lowest chamber of the world ?

 a ) Representative House

 b ) House of Commons of UK

 c ) Lok Sabha

 d ) Senate

 Ans : b ) House of Commons of UK

 " The British Cabinet is the most curious formation in the political world of modern times . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Hertz

 c ) Gladstone

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) Gladstone

 " The Cabinet is the British Government's executive branch , a nucleus within a wider body of ministers called collectively as Ministry . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Hertz

 c ) Finer

 d ) Muir

 Ans : c ) Finer

 The House of Commons Dis - qualification Act 1975 prescribe that the maximum strength of the council of ministers can be :

 a ) 91

 b ) 92

 c ) 93

 d ) 95

 Ans : a ) 91

 The British Cabinet is :

 a ) Titular Head

 b ) Constitutional Head

 c ) Real executive

 d ) Nominal Head

 Ans : c ) Real executive

 The Machinery of the Government Committee / Haldane Committee published its report in :

 a ) 1917

 b ) 1918

 c ) 1919

 d ) 1920

 Ans : b ) 1918

 " Cabinet is the hyphen that joins , the buckle that binds the executive and legislative departments together . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Bagehot

 c ) Hertz

 d ) None of them

 Ans : b ) Bagehot

 " The Cabinet is the key stone of the political arch . " Who said ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Muir

 c ) Lowell

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) Lowell

 In the UK , who prepares the budget ?

 a ) Speaker

 b ) Cabinet

 c ) Senate

 d ) None of them

 Ans : b ) Cabinet

 The British Cabinet meets at least :

 a ) twice a week

 b ) once in a week

 c ) thrice a week

 d ) once in a year

 Ans : b ) once in a week

 The cabinet meetings are generally held at the :

 a ) In the Parliamentary Complex

 b ) Prime Minister's residence - 11 , Downing

 c ) Prime Minister's residence - 10 , Downing Street

 d ) Prime Minister's residence - 10 , Downing Street / in his chamber in the Parliamentary Complex

 Ans : d ) Prime Minister's residence - 10 , Downing Street / in his chamber in the Parliamentary Complex

 Who gave the idea of " dictatorship of the cabinet qualified by publicity " ?

 a ) Laski

 b ) Muir

 c ) Ramsay Muir

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) Ramsay Muir

 The ' Shadow Cabinet ' is formed by :

 a ) Ruling party

 b ) Opposition party

 c ) Prime Minister

 d ) None of the above

 Ans : b ) Opposition party

 In the UK , the two main parties are :

 a ) Conservative part and Republican party

 b ) Republican party and Conservative party

 c ) Conservative party and Labour party

 d ) None of these

 Ans : c ) Conservative party and Labour party

 Which one of the followings is the highest court of appeals in the UK ?

 a ) Senate

 b ) House of Commons

 c ) House of Lords

 d ) None of these

 Ans : c ) House of Lords

 How many Law Lords are there in the House of Lords ?

 a ) 8

 b ) 9

 c ) 10

 d ) 11

 Ans : b ) 9

 Which one of the following is a function of the Cabinet ?

 a ) To make policy

 b ) To arbitrates in case of disputes between two parties

 c ) To provide political leadership

 d ) All of these

 Ans : d ) All of these

 Lord Sabha is a :

 a ) Permanent House

 b ) Non - permanent House

 c ) Both a & b

 d ) None of these

 Ans : a ) Permanent House

 The heads of government departments ( 12 in number ) in the USA constitute the :

 a ) Senate

 b ) Cabinet

 c ) Congress

 d ) None of these

 Ans : b ) Cabinet

 The members of the US Cabinet are appointed by :

 a ) Senate

 b ) The President

 c ) Speaker

 d ) None of them

 Ans : b ) The President

 The members of the US Cabinet are removed by :

 a ) Senate

 b ) The President

 c ) Speaker

 d ) None of them

 Ans : b ) The President

 The origin of Cabinet in the USA took place as a :

 a ) Custom

 b ) Convention

 c ) Law

 d ) None of them

 Ans : b ) Convention

 In the USA , the Cabinet is responsible to :

 a ) The President

 b ) Speaker

 c ) Congress

 d ) None of them

 Ans : a ) The President

 The members of the US Cabinet are President's :

 a ) Friends

 b ) Colleagues

 c ) Subordinates

 d ) None of them

 Ans : c ) Subordinates

 The meetings of the US Cabinet are held at least :

 a ) Once a week

 b ) Twice a week

 c ) Thrice a week

 d ) None of them

  Ans : a ) Once a week

 The meetings of the US Cabinet are held in the

 a ) Special room of the White House

 b ) Supreme Court

 c ) Parliament

 d ) None of these

 Ans : a ) Special room of the White House

 The meetings of the US Cabinet are presided over by

 a ) The President

 b ) The Speaker

 c ) Senate member

 d ) None of these

 Ans : a ) The President

 The US President regards the Cabinet as his :

 a ) Brain child

 b ) Brain Trust

 c ) Brain Storm

 d ) None of the above

 Ans : b ) Brain Trust

 The US Presidential Cabinet is a / an :

 a ) Extra - constitutional body

 b ) Constitutional body

 c ) Statutory body

 d ) None of these

 Ans : a ) Extra - constitutional body

 The members of US Cabinet know the decisions of the President from :

 a ) Newspaper

 b ) T.V . news

 c ) Both from Newspaper / or T.V. news

 d ) None of the above

 Ans : c ) Both from Newspaper / or T.V. news

 When did the US Cabinet make its appearance in the US political system as an advisory body to the President ?

 a ) 1791

 b ) 1792

 c ) 1793

 d ) 1794

 Ans : a ) 1791

 When was the word ' cabinet ' mentioned for the first time in the statute book in the USA ?

 a ) 1904

 b ) 1905

 c ) 1906

 d ) 1907

 Ans : d ) 1907

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