How did Bama react to the threshing proceedings in a corner of their street and the spectacle of a big man carrying a packet by his string?

Bama watched the threshing floor, people working with cattle to thread out the grain and the mazzled animals with a child's curiosity. She stood there watching the fun. The landlord was also watching the proceedings. He was seated on a piece of sacking spread over a ledge. Then she saw a big man, an elder of her street, coming along from the direction of the market. The manner in which he was walking along made her want to double up. She wanted to shrick with laughter and the sight of such abig man carrying a small packet by its string without touching. She thought that the package might came undone and its contents fall old. Then the elder went straight upto the landlord, bowed low and extended the packet towards him. He cupped the hand that held the string with his other hand. The landlord opened the percel and began to eat the vadais. She found the whole, scene quite funny and amusing. She related it to her brother in all its comic details.