What message does the play give to the society? Elucidate with suitable examples.

The message which the play gives to the society is that we should not look down upon the physically impaired persons. It also focusses on the fact that scars do not change a person and handicaps must be accepted by individuals and society. With a burned face, Derry had to face discrimination, unfathomable torturing because of which he turned pessimistic. He had started hating people around him and concluded that everyone hated him too because of his face. Afterwards, Derry meets a man, Mr Lamb by name, who looks a thing with a 'half full' perspective. He made Derry convinced how a green plant is considered desirable and how other (weed) is undesirable and how the sound made by the bees be noise to some and music to others. He asked Derry not to consider his burnt face as a disability and try to overcome it as Mr Lamb had dealt with his tin leg. The message is very loud and clear that people who are physically disabled should not be isolated. We should help them expand their social interaction and help them live a normal life in the society. We must remember that a thing is a beauty for one while the beauty may be a beast for others.