Janma Rahasya written by

Janma Rahasya written by

 The book "Janma Rahasya" (The Secret of Birth) was written by Lakshminath Bezbaruah. It was published in 1912. The book is a collection of short stories that explore the theme of reincarnation.

Bezbaruah was a pioneer of modern Assamese literature. He is considered the father of the Assamese short story and his work has had a profound influence on Assamese literature. He was also a playwright, poet, and essayist. His work is known for its realism and humor.

"Janma Rahasya" is a significant work in Assamese literature. It is the first Assamese book to explore the theme of reincarnation and it helped to popularize the idea of reincarnation in Assam. The book is also a well-written and entertaining collection of short stories.

Here are some of the stories in the book:

  • "Janma Rahasya" (The Secret of Birth) - This story is about a young man who is reborn as a bird. He learns about the cycle of reincarnation and he is determined to break free from it.
  • "Bishwe Bishwanti" (The World Within the World) - This story is about a young woman who is reborn as a flower. She learns about the beauty of the world and she is determined to experience it all.
  • "Yantra" (The Machine) - This story is about a young man who is reborn as a machine. He learns about the importance of work and he is determined to make a difference in the world.

"Janma Rahasya" is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that explores the mystery of life and death. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Assamese literature or the concept of reincarnation.

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