Monitoring of printing of pamphlets, posters etc.

Monitoring of printing of pamphlets, posters etc.

Monitoring of printing of pamphlets, posters etc.

The District Election Officers shall, within three days of the announcement of elections by the Commission, write to all the printing presses in their districts, pointing out the requirements of Section 127A of R. P. Act 1951, and informing them that any violation would invite stern action including the revocation of the license of the printing press under the relevant laws of the State. They should be specially instructed to indicate clearly in the print line the names and the addresses of printer and publisher of any election pamphlets, posters, and such other material printed by them. Copy of the printed material and the declaration of the publisher as required under section 127A(2) of R. P. Act 1951 is to be sent by the printer to the DEO and if it is printed in State Capital, then to the CEO within 3 days of such printing. Detailed instructions on the subject are contained in the Commission's letter no. 3/9/(ES008)/94-JS-II dated 2 September 1994 (Annexure- D2).

If the posters, banners, flags, stickers, etc., with photo or appeal of the leaders (Star Campaigner within the meaning of section 77 of the R. P Act, 1951) without any reference to any particular candidate are used during the elections, the expenditure shall be booked to the account of the political party. If, however, the leader happens to be a candidate in any constituency, then the proportionate expenditure on such items, actually used in his constituency, shall be accounted for in his election expenses. (Commission's letter NO.76/Instructions/2012/EEPS dated 20th January, 2012, at Annexure - D10)

As soon as the DEO receives any election pamphlets or posters, etc., from a printing press, he shall examine whether the publisher and the printer have complied with the requirements of law and directions of the Commission. He shall also cause one copy to be exhibited on his notice board so that all political parties. candidates and other interested persons may be able to check whether the requirements of law have been complied with.

In all such cases where there is violation of the provisions of Section 127A of R. P. Act 1951, a complaint should be filed by the DEO against the offenders in the competent court. These cases should be given wide publicity and pursued vigorously in the courts concerned. Copies of the printed materials along with the statements showing cost of printing should be given to the accounting teams for inclusion in the Shadow Observation Register.

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