Which Association of Assam supported the cultivation of Opium in Assam?

Which Association of Assam supported the cultivation of Opium in Assam?
Jorhat Jagannath Barua.

 The Assam Association, a prominent political organization in Assam during the British rule, supported the cultivation of opium in Assam. The Association argued that the cultivation of opium was a source of revenue for the government and that it also provided employment to the people. They also argued that opium was not as harmful as other drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco.

However, there was also a strong movement against the cultivation of opium in Assam. This movement was led by the Assamese intelligentsia, who argued that opium was a harmful drug that was destroying the social fabric of Assamese society. They also argued that the cultivation of opium was not sustainable in the long run.

The Assam Association eventually withdrew its support for the cultivation of opium in Assam. This was due to the growing pressure from the anti-opium movement and the realization that the cultivation of opium was not a sustainable source of revenue.

In 1947, the Assam Opium Prohibition Act was passed, which banned the cultivation and sale of opium in Assam. This was a major victory for the anti-opium movement and a milestone in the history of Assam.

The Assam Opium Prohibition Act of 1908 was passed by the British colonial authorities in Assam, which aimed to regulate and eventually prohibit the cultivation of opium in the region. This Act was a result of efforts by various social reformers and organizations in Assam who were concerned about the negative effects of opium addiction on the local population.

One of the prominent organizations that supported the prohibition of opium cultivation in Assam was the Assam Sahitya Sabha. The Assam Sahitya Sabha is a literary and cultural organization in Assam that has historically played a significant role in addressing various social issues, including advocating for the prohibition of opium. While there may have been some individuals or groups in Assam who supported opium cultivation for various reasons, the overall sentiment among social reformers and organizations was in favor of regulating and eventually prohibiting opium.

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