Who was the Chairman of the Bengal Boundary Commission?

Who was the Chairman of the Bengal Boundary Commission?
Cyril John Radcliffe

 Sir Cyril John Radcliffe was the Chairman of the Bengal Boundary Commission. He was a British lawyer who was appointed by the British government to draw up the borders between India and Pakistan after the independence of India in 1947.

The Bengal Boundary Commission was one of two boundary commissions that were set up to divide British India into two dominions, India and Pakistan. The other boundary commission was the Punjab Boundary Commission.

The Bengal Boundary Commission was composed of five members, including Sir Cyril Radcliffe as the chairman. The other members were:

  • Justice C. C. Biswas, a Bengali judge from the Calcutta High Court.
  • Justice B. K. Mukherji, a Bengali judge from the Patna High Court.
  • Justice Abu Saleh Mohamed Akram, a Muslim judge from the Calcutta High Court.
  • Justice S. A. Rahman, a Muslim judge from the Patna High Court.

The Bengal Boundary Commission was given the task of drawing up the borders between India and Pakistan in the province of Bengal. The commission was instructed to demarcate the boundaries of the two parts of the Punjab on the basis of ascertaining the contiguous majority areas of Muslims and non-Muslims.

The Bengal Boundary Commission submitted its report on August 16, 1947. The report was accepted by the British government, and the borders between India and Pakistan in Bengal were implemented on August 17, 1947.

The Bengal Boundary Commission's report was highly controversial. The commission was accused of gerrymandering the borders in order to favor Pakistan. The report also led to widespread violence and displacement in Bengal.

Despite the controversy, the Bengal Boundary Commission's report played a significant role in the partition of India. The borders that were drawn by the commission have had a lasting impact on the region, and they continue to be a source of tension and conflict today.

The Chairman of the Bengal Boundary Commission was Sir Cyril Radcliffe. The Bengal Boundary Commission was responsible for determining the partition of Bengal during the process of India's independence in 1947. Sir Cyril Radcliffe, a British lawyer who had never been to India before, was appointed to head the commission and make recommendations for the division of Bengal between India and Pakistan based on religious demographics. His recommendations played a significant role in shaping the boundaries of the two newly created nations.

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