Who composed the first Assamese Grammar and When?

Who composed the first Assamese Grammar and When?
Nathan Brown 1848 A.D.

 The first Assamese grammar was composed by Nathan Brown, an American Baptist missionary, in 1848. The book was titled "Grammatical Notes on the Assamese Language". Brown's grammar was based on the Sanskrit grammar of Panini, but it also took into account the unique features of the Assamese language. The grammar was a major contribution to the development of Assamese language and literature.

Here are some other notable works by Nathan Brown:

  • Aroondoi (1846): The first Assamese newspaper.
  • Bible in Assamese (1850): The first Assamese translation of the Bible.
  • Assamese-English Dictionary (1863): The first Assamese-English dictionary.
  • Asom Buranji (1866): A history of Assam.

Brown's work had a profound impact on the development of Assamese language and culture. He is considered one of the most important figures in the history of Assam.

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