Who is known is 'Barefooted Chief Minister' of Assam?

Who is known is 'Barefooted Chief Minister' of Assam?

 Sarat Chandra Sinha is known as the "Barefooted Chief Minister" of Assam. He was the 10th Chief Minister of Assam, serving from 1972 to 1978. He was a simple and humble man who was known for his honesty and integrity. He often walked barefoot from his home to his office, which earned him the nickname.

Sinha was born in 1913 in Dhubri district, Assam. He was educated at the University of Calcutta, where he studied law. After graduating, he returned to Assam and started practicing law. He was also active in politics and joined the Indian National Congress.

Sinha was elected to the Assam Legislative Assembly in 1952. He served as a minister in the state government from 1962 to 1972. In 1972, he became the Chief Minister of Assam.

As Chief Minister, Sinha focused on improving the lives of the people of Assam. He introduced several welfare schemes for the poor and marginalized. He also worked to improve the infrastructure of the state.

Sinha was a popular Chief Minister and was known for his down-to-earth approach. He was often seen walking barefoot in the streets of Guwahati, the capital of Assam. He was also known for his simple lifestyle and his commitment to public service.

Sinha resigned as Chief Minister in 1978. He died in 2009 at the age of 96.

The nickname "Barefooted Chief Minister" is a fitting tribute to Sinha's simplicity and humility. He was a man of the people who was always willing to help those in need. He is remembered as one of the most popular and respected Chief Ministers of Assam.

The title "Barefooted Chief Minister" of Assam is often associated with Hiteswar Saikia. Hiteswar Saikia served as the Chief Minister of Assam from 1983 to 1985 and then again from 1991 until his death in 1996. He was known for his simplicity and down-to-earth nature, often appearing in public without wearing shoes, which earned him the nickname "Barefooted Chief Minister." Saikia was a prominent political figure in Assam and made significant contributions to the state during his tenure as Chief Minister.

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