Effects of environment on human society

 Effects of environment on human society

Effects of environment on human society has been emerging as a major challenge for quite sometime. Development was for long associated with under exploitation of natural resources. It was little realised that obsession with under exploitation may result in over-exploitation. We seemed to have believed that natural resources are inexhaustible. Environmental process includes those physical processes , which operate on the surface of the earth both internally and externally. Through man began to interfere with the natural processes right from the beginning of sedentary life, it assumed greater in proportion after the industrial revolution. 

The impact of modern technology on environment is varied and highly complex as the transformation or modification of our natural condition and process leads to a series of changes in the biotic and abiotic components of natural environment process. 

We have seen that man, equipped with modern technologies and advanced scientific knowledge, has become an important factor in changing the environmental processes. It has to be realized that disturbances in one of the elements of nature (is. air, water, land, flora and fauna) gives rise to an imbalance in others. Natural processes or human factors some times aggravate natural environmental process to cause disaster for human society like (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, cyclones etc). They result in heavy loss of life and property. Environmental hazards for human health are as follows:

(i) Air pollution causes respiratory diseases. 

(ii) Water pollution causes enteric diseases. 

(iii) Solid waste pollution causes vector - borne diseases. 

(iv) Toxic waste causes cancer and neurological disorders. 

Therefore, education must arouse awareness about the effects of environment, as clean environment is precious for human society. 

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