Crime, what is social deviance?

Crime, what is social deviance? 

Social deviance is such behaviour which is not in conformity with norms , values and expectations of the society . These behaviours do not have social sanction . They are labelled as anti - social . You might have heard about crime and criminals .

You might have also seen crime and criminals in T.V. serials and cinema etc. But do you know what crime is ? Crime is an anti - social behaviour . There are certain types of behaviour in society which do not have social sanction . Society does not expect such behaviour from its members . Such behaviour comprise suicide , murder , theft , dacoity , rape and arson etc. They are known as anti - social behaviour . They lead to social disorganisation . So , crime is a social disease . It takes place due to conflict between what society expects and what some members want . In other words , when some members are not conducive to norms and values of society , it leads to crime . They do not care for norms and values of the society . They start behaving in anti - social manner . Crime fulfils the suppressed desires . Crime is an instrument through which an individual takes revenge , snatches wealth and property , oppresses and even murders his enemies and fulfils his unsatisfied desires . There is provision for the punishment of criminals .

 Criminals are not born . They are made . It is society which makes an individual criminal . When society fails to protect individuals and satisfy their needs , individuals take help of crime . Now - a - days , criminals are trained to commit crime using new technology . Developed weapons are used mostly in organised crime like dacoity and terrorists ' attacks , etc . There are also professional criminals in our society . White collar crime is also prevalent in our society .

 Crime has social , economic , political , religious , natural , and psychological causes . It is also related to population explosion , industrialisation and modernisation . In our society , all castes do not enjoy equal status . At the time of division of property between brothers , conflict develops between them . This may lead to crime . Unequal distribution of resources is also related to criminal behaviour in society . There is criminalisation of politics and politicalisation of criminals and crimes . Communal riot is directly related to different types of crime , like loot , dacoity , arson , murder and rape etc. Persons with perverted personality fulfill their desire through crime . Abnormal individuals commit crime . Urbanisation , industrialisation and modernisation have given birth to loot , dacoity , murder and sex crime . Study of pornographic books also prompts criminal behaviour . Corruption in judicial and punishing agencies has increased the incidence of crime .

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