What you might have heard about truants and truancy?


 You might have heard about truants and truancy . The term truant is used for those children who leave the school without any information . This is such a behaviour of a child which keeps him absent from school without any permission of school authorities and parents . Some traunt children engage themselves in anti - social activities like vagrancy , delinquency and gambling etc.

 Truants neither attend school nor return home during school hours . They play cards , visit cinema halls , go to hotels , bus stand , railway station , market complexes and crowded places . They behave like vagrants . They are punished by people and police . They also come in contact with criminals and become juvenile delinquents . So , truancy prepares ground for vagrancy and juvenile delinquency .

 Truants are of different types . Some truants never go to school . Some truants go to school occasionally . Some go to school but do not attend classes . Some go only for attendance and some leave the school in midday break .

 Truancy leads to personality disorganisation , social disorganisation , bad company , evil habits , idleness , immorality and characterlessness . Some major causes of trauncy are poverty , low position in society , poor family condition , unattractive looks , inferiority complex , quarrel with classmates , bad association , improper behaviour of parents and teachers , inability to understand and fear of examination etc. Children of poor families think that they will not adjust with the children of rich families . Such thinking develops inferiority complex and they start missing the school . Some children fall in bad company . They leave school to see pictures , visit markets , and behave like vagrants .

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