What is vagrancy?


 Vagrancy is a social pathological behaviour found in some children who wander here and there without any reason . They create problems for other members of society by their anti - social behaviour .

 You might have heard the term vagrancy . In this behaviour , children wander here and there without any aim . They walk aimlessly on roads . They pass vulgar remarks on passers - by , especially girls . They may abuse any person without any reason . They can also come in conflict with any persons . They do not have relations with their families . They do not have fear of being beaten , put in jail and even death . Their parents break relation with them . They do not try to get them released when they are in jail . They do not pay attention to the complaints of neighbours and community members .

 Vagrants do not share any responsibility for family , community and society . Rather they create problems in the society by their abnormal behaviour . They are a burden on society . Vagrants are found in cinema hall , railway station , bus stand , park , slum areas , market centres , school and college gates , vegetable markets , crowdy places , puja pandals , religious processions and political processions etc. Vagrants do not have any direct source of income . They survive on theft , dacoits , beggary , gambling , and prostitution , pick pocketing , and extortion . It is not that vagrants do not change their behaviour . Many vegrants change their behaviour when they face resistance from family , community , society and police etc.

 Vagrancy is attributed to family background , behavior of parents , bad company , caste system , low place in society and rude behaviour of kin . etc.

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