"Desurem, determination and diligence lead to success." Explain the virtue in the light of Douglas's experience in the "Deep Water".

 "Desurem, determination and diligence lead to success." Explain the virtue in the light of Douglas's experience in the "Deep Water".

 Deep water is a story of success. The writer had an phobia of water. His deep-rooted fear of water handicaps him in every way. But he does not give in. He braves the challenges with iron determination, and persistent efforts. Initially he was cooled down by the misadventure he experienced in the YMCA pool. But later he decided that he should learn how to swim. He went through rigorous practice session. He spent every minute of his stay in the pool meaningfully. Gradually he became a swimmer. He mastered the art of swimming. But he was not yet free from doubts. He wasn't sure whether his fear of water vanished. He went to different lakes and seas to take his own test in swimming. The doubts still haunted him, though in miniature form. But he had guts and grit enough to tide over the odds. He realised at last that not fear but the phantom of fear is more formidable than fear itself. He also realized that any obstacle can be surmounted by virtue of determination and diligence. A dreamer can be a doer, if his aim is fixed and if he exerts his potentials at an optimum level.

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