Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the forcible collection of subscription.

Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the forcible collection of subscription.

 Ramanpur, Tripura

August 13, 2023

The Editor

The Tripura Observer



Sub: Forcible collection of subscription

I intend to draw your attention to the facts below in connection with the problem of forcible collection of subscription.

At present the subscription collection is a nuisance for all. The organisers of various functions pressurize the people for subscription. Sometimes pressure comes from political leaders. The subscription team never cares for the option of subscribers. They behave with the people roughly. The commoners are in a helpless position. They don't venture to voice any protest against it. The people are forced to pay subscription. Sometimes leaders of political parties claim huge amount of subscription. People feel scared and pay out of fear.

Time has come to take immediate and stern steps against the offenders. I hope police and local administration will ensure safety of the commoners.

Yours faithfully,

Karan Bose

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