Dated: 29 May 2015


The Chief Electoral Officers of All States and UTs

Subject - Account Reconciliation Meeting with the candidates/ election agents with the District Expenditure Monitoring Committee (DEMC)- regarding


In supersession of Commission's Order No.76/Instructions/EEPS/2013/ Vol-1, dated 14th March, 2013 regarding under-stated amount of election expenditure and the decision of the District Expenditure Monitoring Committee (DEMC), I am directed to forward herewith revised order of the Commission to be followed by the DEMC in disposing of the cases of under-statement of account of election expenses of the candidates (Changes in italics).

2. I am further directed to request you to bring it to the notice of all the DEOS. Expenditure Observers, officials concerned, candidates and political parties.

3. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Sd- (S. K. Rudola) Secretary