Refreshment of polling /counting agents and expenditure on kiosks, - accounting notional cost in the account of election expenses of the candidate - Reg.


Dated: 30 December, 2014


The CEOs of all States/UTs

Subject Refreshment of polling /counting agents and expenditure on kiosks, - accounting notional cost in the account of election expenses of the candidate - Reg.


I am directed to invite your attention on the subject cited and to state that on going through the election expenditure statements of the candidates, it is noticed that the candidates do not show any expenditure on account of the polling/counting agents, campaign workers, etc. Since candidates incur expenditure on food and refreshment and also payment of daily allowances, etc., for their polling/counting agents and campaign workers during election process and subsequently, such expenses also need to be included in their account. The DEOS may be asked to notify the notional rates of lunch, dinner and light refreshment, daily allowances, etc., for the polling/counting agents and campaign workers, on the basis of prevalent rates in their respective districts after due consultation with the political parties as envisaged in Paras 14.2 and 14.3 of the Compendium of Instructions on EEM, in the list of items of expenditure used for election campaign.

2. I am further directed to state that candidates/political parties open kiosks, campaign offices. etc., in the constituency, during election process and such expenses like rent or electricity or fumishing like shamiana etc., after the date of filing of nomination are to be included in the account of the candidate. The DEOS are required to include the notional rates of erection/construction of such kiosks, campaign offices, etc., in the constituency on the basis of prevalent rates, after due consultation with the political parties as envisaged in Paras 14.2 and 14.3 of the Compendium of Instructions on EEM in the list of items of expenditure used for election campaign.

Receipt of the letter may kindly be acknowledged

Yours faithfully,


(Satyendra Kumar Rudola)


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