Lakhan Uttar Ahuti service

Lakhan Uttar Ahuti service

 "Lakhan Uttor Ahutikata" is a traditional Assamese folk song that tells the story of a young man named Lakhan who is in love with a young woman named Uttor. However, Uttor's parents do not approve of the match and they forbid their daughter from seeing Lakhan.

Lakhan is heartbroken and he decides to commit suicide. He builds a pyre and lies down on it, ready to burn himself alive. Uttor, hearing of Lakhan's plan, rushes to the pyre and begs him not to do it. She tells him that she loves him and that she will marry him no matter what her parents say.

Lakhan is overjoyed and he agrees to live. He and Uttor are married and they live happily ever after.

The song is a beautiful and moving story of love, sacrifice, and triumph. It is a reminder that love can overcome any obstacle.

Here is the English translation of the song:

Lakhan Uttor Ahutikata

Lakhan, a young man, Was in love with Uttor, a young woman. But Uttor's parents, Did not approve of the match.

They forbade their daughter, From seeing Lakhan. Lakhan was heartbroken, And he decided to commit suicide.

He built a pyre, And lay down on it, Ready to burn himself alive.

Uttor, hearing of Lakhan's plan, Rushed to the pyre. She begged him not to do it, She told him that she loved him.

Lakhan was overjoyed, And he agreed to live. He and Uttor were married, And they lived happily ever after.

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