When was the Assam Sahitya Sabha established?

When was the Assam Sahitya Sabha established?
27th December 1917 A.D.

 The Assam Sahitya Sabha (Assam Literary Society) was established on 15 December 1917 in Sibsagar, Assam, India. It is a non-profit, literary organization dedicated to the promotion of Assamese language and literature.

The Assam Sahitya Sabha was founded by a group of Assamese intellectuals and writers, including Padmanath Gohain Barua, Sarat Chandra Goswami, and Chandradhar Barua. The Sabha's objectives are to:

  • Promote the study and use of the Assamese language.
  • Encourage and support Assamese writers and scholars.
  • Protect and preserve Assamese culture and heritage.
  • Organize literary events and conferences.
  • Publish books and journals on Assamese language and literature.

The Assam Sahitya Sabha has played an important role in the development of Assamese language and literature. It has helped to promote the use of Assamese language in all spheres of life, including education, literature, and government. It has also helped to encourage and support Assamese writers and scholars.

The Assam Sahitya Sabha has organized several literary events and conferences, including the annual Assam Sahitya Sabha Session. The Assam Sahitya Sabha Session is a major literary event that is attended by writers, scholars, and cultural activists from all over Assam.

The Assam Sahitya Sabha has also published several books and journals on Assamese language and literature. These publications have helped to promote the study and use of Assamese language and literature.

The Assam Sahitya Sabha is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in Assamese language and literature. It is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting the work of Assamese writers and scholars.

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