Where was the first started the Revolt of 1857 in Assam?

Where was the first started the Revolt of 1857 in Assam?
Jamguri and Barpathar Barracks in Nogora Village

  The first revolt of 1857 in Assam was started in Jamguri and Barpathar Barracks in Nogora Village.

The first revolt of 1857 in Assam was started in Latu, a town in Karimganj district, on May 24, 1857. The revolt was led by Maniram Dewan, an influential Assamese nobleman. Dewan was inspired by the events of the Sepoy Mutiny in the rest of India. He believed that the time was ripe for an uprising against British rule in Assam.

The revolt in Latu was short-lived. The British forces quickly suppressed it, and Dewan was executed. However, the revolt had a significant impact on the British in Assam. It showed them that the Assamese people were not content with British rule, and it led to a number of reforms in the way the British administered the province.

Here are some of the other reasons for the outbreak of the revolt in Assam:

  • The British had annexed Assam in 1826, and the Assamese people were unhappy with the way they were being ruled.
  • The British had introduced a number of reforms that were unpopular with the Assamese people, such as the introduction of the zamindari system.
  • The British had also imposed a number of taxes on the Assamese people, which they felt were unfair.

The revolt in Assam was a small part of the larger Sepoy Mutiny, but it was significant because it showed that the Assamese people were not content with British rule. The revolt also led to a number of reforms in the way the British administered Assam.

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